Tag Archive | inspiration

Close Call 011814

Celebrating life everyday, just a little extra now. Negative Results = Positive News! Praise God when he blesses AND when he doesn’t. Stay positive either way..

James 4:7 012814

Each day we all have choices to make. Follow the right path. You’ll thank yourself later..

Psalm 41:1-2 013014

When we give to God and to others, it shows that we trust God to provide for us. When we praise God as our provider and recognize where our provision comes from, we move easily, open our hearts to share what we have been given to others.

How I lost it – The Shopping List

I lost 20 pounds in two months. I used HCG Drops for a total of 3 weeks (which I think is less than you are supposed to) since I realized I could lose weight just by changing what I normally ate, to what they “allowed”.   Here is what I ate strictly for 2 months…  Shopping List: BREAD […]

#0424 Procrastination

The reason why I didn’t start many projects I had voiced out loud or just thought of and not shared. I used to only write about them and now I act on them. Set a goal, set a date. Quickly glance back and check my progress. Don’t stare. I write so I don’t forget. Great […]

Wake Up. Find Yourself.

I’ve experienced a form of mini-evolution within myself..

Grow & Learn

You Can’t Undo Your Past

Once you find a personally compelling answer to the question WHY DID THIS HAPPEN TO ME? for the first time your attention is taken off the past (that you can’t control) and focused on your future, which you have some control over. Grow With Me..

Express Your Appreciation

Make it a habit to tell people THANK YOU to express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Truly appreciate those around you, and you’ll soon find many others around you. Truly appreciate life, and you’ll find that you have more of it.” -Ralph Marston Have an absolutely fantastic day!!

Fitness Friday

We all tend to overeat on the weekends, {right?} so I decided to schedule in a 1 hour walk around my community. I’m determined to stay fit for ME, first, and for all that comes along with it! I don’t own a scale but always know when I’ve misplaced a few inches around my waist […]